Create A Healthy Lifestyle

Discover the tools to create a healthy lifestyle that works for you.


Water is critical to skin, organs, bones, and the overall function of our bodies.


Find out what your body needs for proper functionality.


Exercise maintains strong bones and muscle mass. Each person has their own needs for this.

Gut Health

Create a healthy microbiome that supports a health and longevity.

I created Set Free Health to…


help you discover wellness by overcoming the obstacles in your life that keeps you feeling sick, frustrated, angry, hopeless, stuck and stressed out!

“Begin your journey to a better life, experiencing better health, through individualized sessions with your Health Coach.”

Do you ever...

feel that the information about health, nutrition and wellness is just plain confusing?

Have you ever...

received good advice that you found difficult or unable to follow?

Has a Health Practitioner ever...

recommended a lifestyle change that you found to be unsustainable?

Have you ever...

desired to make healthy changes, but found you couldn’t achieve them doing it alone with no one to support you?